Luke 24 v 27
Christianity Explored
Christianity Explored is an opportunity to ask life’s big questions in life. The course is informal and relaxed. It is suitable for those wanting to find out more about the Christian faith or to brush up on the basics.
For more information, click here.
Wednesday Connect Groups
A chance to get together, connect with each other and connect with God. We have been placed into a community and share life together. Whether you are new or you’ve been around for ages, we get together, open up God’s Word and help each other to understand it and see how this book is still relevant in every day life. We then pray for each other. This term we are looking at the book of Malachi.
Wednesdays (6-7.30pm or 8-9.30pm). Contact Ian Gilmour for more information.
Horizon Club
Every Wednesday (during term time)
12.30pm – 2pm in the Parish Hall.
The club is for senior people and those who stay at home during the day. The group begins with a Bible talk and discussion at 12.30pm.
This is followed by an hour’s exercise class, 1-2pm (cost £3).
Everybody is welcome to come to one or both parts of the session. Simply come to the side entrance of the hall.