The church is a family, and we encourage all those who settle at the Holy Redeemer to get involved in family life and use their gifts to help where ever possible.
As well as coming along to our Sunday services, we recommend getting involved with a home group. These are great ways of learning more about following Jesus and getting to know others in the church.
For more information about home groups, click here.
There are lots of opportunities to serve in the church on Sundays and midweek. We don’t expect people to do things perfectly; just to give things a try. Don’t wait to be asked.
To see what needs doing, click here.
We don’t want people to be so involved in church life that they have no time to get involved with their community, however. At home or work, we encourage people to get to know their neighbours, care for them and share the gospel with them.
The Christian life can be hard and we seek to care for people in times of difficulty. As well as looking out for each other, the leadership team are available to talk and pray through more complex issues.
For more information about getting support in difficulties, click here.
Although part of the Church of England, the Holy Redeemer is responsible for financing the church. We get some external support from partner churches but the majority of money has to be provided by the church family.
For more about regular giving, click here.
Electoral roll form
If you are a regular at Holy Redeemer, are over 16 and are baptised, and believe in the God of the Bible – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – please do apply to be added to the Church of England’s official list of who is a member of Holy Redeemer (and therefore entitled to vote at our annual meeting). You can download the form here. Please complete it, print it off and sign and date it, and then return it to the church office.
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