Christmas at the Holy Redeemer

Everyone is welcome to join us to Celebrate Christmas at the Holy Redeemer

We are holding several events over Christmas, all will be held in the Parish Hall and we would love to see you there

Christmas Fair          Saturday 24th November 2-5pm

Carols by Candlelight              Sunday 16th December 6.30pm

Children’s Carol ServiceMonday 24th December 4pm

Christmas Day All Age Service

Tuesday 25th December 10am


Autumn Home group plan

This term in our home groups we are thinking about the topic of the church. We are linking the Home Group teaching with the Sunday morning series. This is a great opportunity to get the most out of Sunday sermons by discussing them together and talking and praying about how we can put them into practice.


Autumn Home Group Plan

In Home groups we meet together to study the Bible and pray for one another. There are various different groups meeting in homes around the area. If you would like to join a Home Group, please speak to Ian or contact the church office.

Plans – renovation of the Holy Redeemer

Click to enlarge plans

Plans for the renovation of the interior of the Holy Redeemer Church are in the initial stage.

The above plan is our preferred option of three designs suggested by our architect.  These are not final plans; they were drawn up as part of the feasibility study and will be refined following consultations with our congregation, neighbours and planning authorities.


Building work completed  | How much will it cost?| Church history


Fundraising & costs – Renovation work

We are at an early stage of planning, with initial costings of the work.  However, we need to begin fundraising now if we are to raise the necessary funds and return the Holy Redeemer Church building to use.

Donate through CAFOnline

The plans | Building completed so far | Church history
