Easter 2019

Join us to celebrate Jesus’ death and life.

9am & 10:45am Palm Sunday Services | Sunday 14th April

10am Good Friday Service | Friday 19th April

3-5pm Easter Eggstravaganza | Saturday 20th April

An Easter afternoon for all the family.

10:45am Easter Day Communion Service | Sunday 21st April

There will be no 9am on Easter Sunday. Services will resume as normal the following week.

Everyone is welcome to join us as we celebrate Jesus’ death and resurrection.

Read our visitor’s guide here.

No Reds & aLIVE tonight!

Please note that there will be no Reds & aLIVE tonight! We will be back again next week, sorry for any inconvenience.

Sunday Programme Spring 2019

Month Date Events Passage Title


Jan 6 tbc Brigadier Ian Dobbie
13 Acts 1:1-26 God’s plan for His Gospel Ian Gilmour
20 Acts 2:1-21 God’s power for His Gospel Ian Gilmour
  27 Vision Sunday with lunch Acts 2:22-41 The birth of the Church in Jerusalem Ian Gilmour
Feb 3 Acts 3:1-26 The advance of the Gospel in Jerusalem Paul Greenhalgh
10 Acts 4:1-31 Opposition from outside Ian Gilmour
17 Acts 4:32-5:11 Opposition from inside Ian Gilmour
24 tbc Ray Brown
Mar 3 Families Lunch Zech 1:1-2:13 The kingdom of grace & glory Ian Gilmour
10 Zech 3:1-10 Snatched from the fire Ian Gilmour
17 Zech 4:1-6:15 Not my might Ian Gilmour
  24 Link-up Lunch Zech 7:1-8:3 The faithful city Ian Gilmour
  31 Mothering Sunday Zech 10:1-11:17 Shepherds true & false Paul Greenhalgh
Apr 7 Zech 12-14 A fountain opened Ian Gilmour
14 Palm Sunday Zech 9:1-17 Behold your king! Ian Gilmour
19 Good Friday John 18 & 19 The Passover sacrifice tbc
20   Easter Eggstravaganza
  21 Easter Sunday John 20 Risen in power Ian Gilmour
  28 John 21 Feed my sheep Ian Gilmour
May 5 Bible-by-the-Beach tbc Phil Hudson

Horizon Club – Autumn 2018

Horizon club restarts on Tuesday 25th September.

Come along and exercise both body and soul with a short group Bible study, followed by a fun and energetic exercise class for any age!

Every Tuesday at 12:30pm.


Tuesday 25th September to 18th  December 2018

Date Theme Scripture Passage & Main Point Presenter
25th Sept. God’s message will spread Be ready for opposition

Acts 18:1-8

2nd October God’s message will spread Trust God to spread the Good News

Acts 18: 9-17

9th. October True and full Teaching The need for full & true teaching

Acts 18:18-26

16th. October True and full teaching The need for true teachers

Acts 18: 27 -19: 1-7

23rd. October HALF…………………… TERM ……………..
30th. October Honour Jesus The message about Jesus spreads

Acts 19: 8-13

6th. November Honour Jesus Jesus is honoured

Acts 19: 14-20.

13th. November Jesus is against other gods. The change Jesus brings

Acts 19: 21-31

20th. November Jesus is against other gods The opposition Jesus brings

Acts 19:32-41

27th. November Words to encourage Encouragement through words

and through a miracle

Acts 20: 1-12

4th. December Leaders must teach and guard Leaders who keep teaching

Acts 20: 17-24

11th. December Leaders must teach and guard Leaders who keep guarding

Acts 20:25-31

18th.December Leaders must teach and guard Leaders who keep trusting

Acts: 32-38

End of Term

20th. December

……………… ……………… …………


Home Group Programme Autumn 2018

Home Groups resume week of 17th September!

There are now 3 groups to choose from:

  • We have a new group starting on Tuesday evenings, 6:45 – 8:45 in the Parish Hall. This group is for everyone who is musically inclined and might like to get involved in Worship, as well as for anyone who is unable to make the Wednesday group. This group will be preparing for the following Sundays readings and choosing music for the services.
  • Cecil & Coral Devonish’s group will be working through Life Explored, Wednesday evenings 8pm, please contact the church office for group address.
  • The Vicarage group will be exploring Deuteronomy, Wednesday evenings 8pm in the Vicarage, Churchmore Road.

Autumn Events 2018

HR Autumn Events 2018





Volunteer Celebration

23rd September

Back to Church Sunday & Harvest – Bring and Share Lunch

30th September


Families Lunch (for all involved in raising children)

4th November

Remembrance Sunday

11th November


Women’s Wreath Making Event

1st December

Advent Sunday, Bring and Share Lunch

2nd December

Carols in the community

12th December

Carols by Candlelight

16th December

Children’s Carol Service

24th December

Sunday programme 2018 (Sept-Dec)

Please find below our plan for the autum term’s Sunday services. 


Date Bible Passage Theme Speaker
Holiday club
Esther 5-7 Reversal & Victory Ian
09/09/2018 John 9:1-11 He opened my eyes Ian
16/09/2018 tbc tbc Si Knightly
23/09/2018 John  9:12-34 What the blind man saw Ian
Back to church & Harvest
John 9:35-41 Why Jesus came Ian
07/10/2018 John 10:1-11 Who are you following? Ian
14/10/2018 John 10:12-21 The good shepherd or the hired hand? Ian
21/10/2018 John 10:22-42 The sheep & the Good Shepherd Ian
28/10/2018 tbc tbc Wes Illingsworth
04/11/2018 John 11:1-17 Life and death Ian
Remembrance Sunday
tbc tbc SASRA
18/11/2018 John 11:17-44 Life after death Ian
Christian Concern
John 11:45-54 Life through death Ian
Advent Sunday
John 11:55-12:11 Don’t bury the evidence Ian
09/12/2018 John 12:12-36 Unexpected glory Ian
Carols by candlelight
am. John  3:1-15
pm.   John 3:16-31


New Birth

New Life

23/12/2018 John 3:22-36 Choose Life Ian
tbc Family’s Carol service tbc
25/12/2018 John 3:9-14 Look  & live! Ian
30/12/2018  John 12:37-50 Why don’t more believe?  Ian


Sunday programme 2018 (January-April)

Please find below our plan for the coming term’s Sunday services.  We are briefly looking at the book of Esther before continuing our journey with Jesus in the Gospel of Luke.

ERRATUM – the passages/themes/speakers for 4th Feb-18th Feb (inclusive), and the speaker for 4th Mar have been amended as of 31st Jan.


Date Bible Passage Theme Speaker
07/01/2018 Matthew 11:1-30 Come to him Ian
14/01/2018 tbc tbc Jonny Lee
21/01/2018 Esther (tbc) tbc Ian
28/01/2018 Esther (tbc) tbc Ian
04/02/2018 Luke 16:14-31 Love God not money Ian
11/02/2018 Luke 17:1-10 Sinners & Saints Ian
18/02/2018 Luke 17:11-19 Where are the other nine? Jack
25/02/2018 Luke 17:20-37 As it was in the days of Noah Ian
04/03/2018 Luke 18:1-8 When the Son of Man comes will he find faith? Ian
Mothering Sunday
Luke 18:9-14 Respectability or rescue? Ian
18/03/2018 Luke 18:18-30 Trusting completely Ian
25/03/2018 Luke 18:31-43 Seeing clearly Ian
Good Friday
Luke 23:26-49 Which side of the Cross are you? Ian
Easter Sunday
Luke 24:36-49 Jesus and the Good News Ian


Life Explored sessions


We all want to be happy…

But why is lasting happiness so hard to find?
How can our deepest desires be truly satisfied?

We are having some evenings to take a look at these questions and more.

Featuring a combination of short films shot around the world, Bible reading and discussion.

Life Explored is suitable for anyone, no prior Bible knowledge is necessary.

The sessions will start with a party on Monday 22nd January at 7:30pm with refreshments provided. If you are interested in the course, it would help us if you filled out the form below, though this is not necessary.

    Sunday 31st – no 9am service

    Please note that there will be no 9am service Sunday 31st December. We would love to see you at the 10:45am service, though!

    Merry Christmas!