This year the Church family is 95 and the Church building is 90.
People first started meeting as the Church of the Holy Redeemer in 1927, in the Church Hall, and the present Church building was built in 1932.
The buildings are important, but the people who make up HRS are more important.
Peter’s first letter says (1 Peter 2:5): ‘… you also, like living stones are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood …’
And he goes on to say (1 Peter 2:6) that Jesus Christ is the Cornerstone, around which we, individual Christians are being built to become the temple and the priests of the Lord.
We Christians, are now the temple, the place where people can meet with the living God; and we are now the priests, the people who pray and proclaim the sacrifice Christ Jesus made for anyone who comes to God to be reconciled to Him.
It’s wonderful to think that God has been building people together into His Church at HRS for the last 95 years.
This September we’re celebrating these things, along with the faithful service of Margaret Andrews, Shirley Wallace and others, who have been priests in the Lord’s temple at HRS for many decades.
So, please put Saturday the 10th of September in your diaries to celebrate these things as a church family. It’s also a time to celebrate alongside many other groups and people from the wider community. For the past 90 years, HRS has been for some a landmark in the Vale and for others, a focal point in the community.
Your brother in Christ,

10th September

90th Anniversary Celebration – September 10th
Plans are taking shape for our church and community celebration on the afternoon of September 10th.
Ruth and her team are looking for volunteers so that the day of feasting, singing, games, activities from and for the young, and the older and wiser, will all go smoothly.
There are roles for people who want to talk to everyone, and roles for people who want to be behind the scenes helping.
Can you BBQ a burger? Serve a coffee? String up bunting?
Do you know anyone who would be able to perform some live music who lives in the Vale, or is connected to the Vale?
If you can answer yes to any of these questions, or you have more to suggest, please speak to Ruth, or email her this week!
Confirmation service and bring and share lunch

On Sunday 3rd July we are having a bring and share lunch after the confirmation service for Kyra and Anna.
Please let Ruth or Shirley know what you plan to bring along to the meal.

To help us generate less waste, would you be able to bring a travel mug / reusable coffee cup to church each Sunday?
If you can, it will save us throwing away cups.
We are not really able to wash up mugs easily at the moment, so every reusable cup you bring along will help us care for the planet (and save a bit of money).
If you forget, we’ll still provide you with a drink!

Single? Married? Once married? Never married?
Married for years? Married for months?
Would you be interested in learning more about singleness and marriage? Discussing the ups and downs of all the different relationships we find ourselves in through life?
The pros and the cons of each state?
Would a short course be helpful? A Saturday mini conference?
A one off study?
Talk to Ian with your thoughts, and look out for the preference form where you can say what times and places would work best for you so that as a church family we can think through these important issues in small groups, couples, or….what do you think?