Tales of the Unexpected is a 4 session course for people who want to find out about Jesus Christ.

Jesus is famous for stories he told.  And many people still read and listen to his words today.  Why?–because Jesus’ words seem to understand us and explain us.  And they open up the way for us to know God.

In Tales of the Unexpected you’ll find four simple but startling stories that Jesus told.  You’ll find some surprising things about yourself, about God and about life.

The course meets on Tuesday evenings and starts on 14th January 2014.  Each evening starts at 7.30pm with a simple meal, from 8pm to 9pm there will be DVD clips and discussion.  We use a modern, easy-to-understand translation of the Bible and there won’t be any singing or praying.

Come along, find out about who Jesus is, why he came and the difference he can make for people today.

By the way, it’s all totally FREE.

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