Bi-weekly update 02/03/2022

Dear Church family,

As creatures made in God’s image, we’re created for relationships, both with God and with other image-bearers.

By God’s design, therefore, genuine relationships are the basis for all human flourishing. We learn in the Bible that sharing a meal together is one of the primary ways relationships are established, deepened, and enjoyed both with God and with others.

Think of the covenant meal the elders of Israel enjoyed with God on Mount Sinai. Moses records the spellbinding experience in Exodus 24:9–11:

'Then Moses and Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel went up, and they saw the God of Israel. . . . And he did not lay his hand on the chief men of the people of Israel; they beheld God, and ate and drank.'

One of the things I’ve missed in the lockdowns has been eating together. There is nothing like food to bring a family together. The same applies to God’s family.

So, I’m very pleased that this Sunday, the 6th March, we’re having our first Church family lunch. We’ll be meeting together around the Lord’s table and then going next door to the hall to enjoy lunch together.

And, on the subject of meals, remember the 19th March guest invitation dinner. Do keep praying for opportunities to invite friends and neighbours to come. Take an invitation card on Sunday to give to them. Or take a photo of it on your phone and send it to a friend who perhaps you haven't seen in a while. 

Your brother in Christ, 

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