Bi-weekly update 27/10/2021

Dear Church Family,

We’re celebrating harvest late this year on Saturday 13th November at 7 pm in the hall with a harvest supper – it’s always a great opportunity to thank God for his goodness.

November is also the month of remembrance. This year many of us are remembering lost loved ones and opportunities. The pandemic reminds us how fragile life is; and how our plans are in God’s hands. Both harvest and remembrance remind us that life is God’s gift. He gives us our lives, and he came to give His life for us to have eternal life with Him.

In John 4:35f, Jesus gives ‘living water’ to the Samaritan woman at the well; she tells everyone about Him, and the whole village comes out to find him; as he saw the crowd coming towards him, Jesus said:
‘Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest. Already the one who reaps is receiving wages and gathering fruit for eternal life, so that the sower and reaper may rejoice together.’                                                                                                        John 4:35
Our privilege is to point the sick and dying to the Life-giving healer: Jesus Christ. Knowing Him makes us thankful for this life, and all that sustains it, and thankful for those who have died trusting Him because for them the best is yet to come.

A friend’s mother died recently; she followed Jesus and he was able to say her life now is ‘better by far’ than her life before she died.

There is great reward and joy in making Him known; so as we begin to plan ahead for Passion for Life 2022 please keep Tuesday Evenings from 6:30 pm (for food) or 7 pm (for the training session) free as we seek to equip ourselves with the tools to share the good news of Jesus Christ with others.
Your brother in Christ, 

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