Dear Church family,
Following government guidelines, we won’t be meeting on Sundays or mid-week until further notice. The service will be available online.
I’m sad that I won’t see you, Church family each Sunday. But the Lord is in charge of His Church and His World. Christ Jesus says ( Matt 16:18 ) ‘I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.’ And He says ( Jn 10:27f ) ‘My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand.’
All things, including the ‘bad’ things, are under our Lord’s control. He is shaping and using all things for His good purposes. This includes thinking freshly about the ways we communicate and meet together. It is always best to meet face to face. The sooner we get back to this the better. Meanwhile, we can communicate digitally. The Sunday service will be available online and we’re planning an online homegroup. More on this soon.
This is a time of opportunity. Loving care for one another and the people of the community around us will be noticed. It will commend the Gospel. If you are self-isolating or know of a friend or family member who needs help, please contact the Church office: info@holyredeemer.org.uk and we’ll get in touch and help.
Prayer changes things. Christ Jesus says: ‘apart from me, you can do nothing.’ Nothing of eternal value that is. Please pray for this land at 1 o’clock and 7 pm each day. Pray for healing from the Corona Virus, and for those affected by it medically and financially. Most of all pray that the Lord will use this situation for our spiritual benefit. Pray for the Lord to open the spiritual eyes and ears of many to see and hear the good news about His Son, Jesus. Pray that by the end, His Church HRS will be bigger and stronger.
Your brother in Christ,