Dear Church family,
The brutal death of George Floyd, Covid-19, the third anniversary of Grenfell Tower, secondary schools not back till September, health workers, teachers, parents and employees feeling the pressure … there’s plenty of gloomy news around.
There is surprising comfort in the great Bible truth of the “sovereignty of God.” That is the revelation that the God who created everything rules and shapes everything for his good purposes. The Bible tells us that:
God is in control of it all, using it for his good purposes. Even the agonizing death of His only Son was part of His plan, and through it He opened the door to his perfect kingdom where, one day, all these problems will be banished forever –
2 Peter 3:13 “But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness.”
For more on the “sovereignty of God,” try the links below and join us for our home/away day on the Saturday 27 June (see details below).
Jason Ward asks the hard question: Why did God allow Coronavirus?
Our children will find this song encouraging:
And, on 27 June, 9.30 am – 12:00 noon Rev’d Dr. Andrew Sach argues, controversially, that God is “calling all the shots” in this world. Further details can be found here.
You’ll be glad you were there if you can make it for our home/away day. Understanding this great Truth is truly life-transforming!
Your brother in Christ,