Dear Brothers & Sisters,
It’s been said that Christians are short term pessimists, and long term optimists – God is on the throne of the world; and He is good – as we’ve heard from Andrew Sach over last w/end. Do listen to the talks, they are life transforming:
With the lockdown being lifted gradually we’re at a significant point to take stock. UCL’s survey says that one third of us have enjoyed it; generally those living with others on higher incomes: birds singing, roads clearer, life more relaxed, more time for people in the household.
For others there’ve been more down sides: health concerns, family concerns, job concerns, educational concerns, and future concerns.
Whatever our circumstances, hopefully there are good things to give thanks for, from the last 12 weeks – time to reflect; to get more fit; to try new things; to listen to music; to read or catch up with a few films.
With all of this, as we look ahead to the summer holidays, it is comforting to know that God is at work for the good of those who love Him.
In Romans Paul says to followers of Jesus Christ:
“If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with Him graciously give us all things?”
Romans 8:31
However uncertain the immediate future, the long term future is wonderful for God’s people.
The other series to look out for this summer is Christopher Ash on: “Hope in Jesus from the Psalms.” These are premiered between 27- 31 July at the Keswick Convention – see here for further details:
Happy listening,
Your brother in Christ,