Dear Church Family,
Hopefully, we’re at the end of the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic – national lockdown has been eased to regional lockdowns; schools are beginning to re-open; economic activity is cranking up; social life in bubbles has begun. There is hope that the worst is over.
The situation was much worse for the Israelites in C8th BC. God had told them through Isaiah that they were about to be ‘carried into exile in Babylon’ where they’d remain for 70 years!
In this dire situation, the Lord had a word of comfort for his people in Isaiah 40 – the focus of our online services for the next three weeks: –
He would deal with the root of the problem: ‘her iniquity would be pardoned’ (v2 – read Isaiah 52:13 – 53:12 to find out how …)
‘The glory of the Lord would be revealed’ (v5 – read John 1:14 to find out when …)
‘The word of the Lord would stand for ever’ (v8)
The Lord Himself would ‘tend his flock like a shepherd’ (v11 – read John 10:10-11 to find out who …)
These promises were fulfilled when the Lord brought his people back from exile in Babylon in 539 BC, and when Jesus came 500 years later.
We’ve seen the fulfilment of his promises then, and we can trust Him to fulfil his promise to return in glory and transform our groaning into the glory he promised his people:
So with the Apostle Paul we can say:
‘I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed to us,’
(Romans 8:18)
and keep on loving our neighbours and each other, whatever the shape of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Your brother in Christ,