Dear Church Family, I’m writing this on the day of National Reflection, the 23rd March 2021; a year from the start of lockdown on 23rd March 2020. It’s a day to stop; to lament our losses; and to give thanks for what’s been good. Wonderfully, for our comfort and encouragement, we’re coming up to the day(s) that changed the world even more than the 23rd March 2020 – It’s arguable whether the day that changed the world most was the day of Jesus’ death (Good Friday) or the day of Jesus’ resurrection (Easter Sunday).It’s a ‘false dilemma’ really because the two days belong together. Being God the Son, Jesus’ resurrection was inevitable; the amazing thing is that the He who made us should choose to die for us to become His friends!The two days cannot be separated. The resurrection of Jesus declares the success of Jesus’ death to remove the barrier of our wrongdoing.This Easter Sunday we’ll be looking at the eyewitness records of the resurrection, from John chapter 20. In John 20:31 John tells us why he has recorded them: |
“so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.“John 20:31 |
John’s logic is compelling: the evidence leads to faith, which brings Life Please come and hear the evidence for the resurrection; meet some people who know Jesus is alive, and meet the God who has given His life so that you may have life with Him. Join us this Easter weekend starting with our online Good Friday service on the 2nd April at 10:30 am and on Sunday 4th April at 10:45 am for our in-person, in the main Church building, and online Easter Sunday Celebration. Your brother in Christ, Ian |